[GET] Viral Source Review – Download

Why YOU Want What You Can’t Have


Everyone has seen a kid in a grocery store checkout line having a meltdown.

Why? Because Mom or Dad has told them they can’t have something…
In this case probably some kind of candy, or sugar-laden soft drink.

So why do they react this way?

And how can you apply this powerful desire to want what you can’t have to your own marketing?

Well, it’s quite simple.

> Get Viral Source

Whether it be the kid with the candy, the hot girl who already has a boyfriend, or the mansion you can’t afford in your wildest dreams . . ..

It’s human nature to always want what we can’t have.

So when we can make our prospects want what they can’t have, it’s powerful.

That’s why content lockers are so darned effective.

It’s a little bit of dangling the carrot before the horse to get people to take action.

So a content locker forces your visitor to take action before they can get what they want.
Like a social share, to access your juicy content inside the locker.

You can get a ton of FREE traffic this way.

But Tom Yevsikov, Stefan Ciancio, Guarab Borah and Timothy Miranda have a new twist on the content locker which also has a POWERFUL list building punch.

They’ve taken content lockers, and supercharged them with the ability to get people on your list . . . and also send them FB push notifications!

Push notifications are clicked on 40% of the time vs. 5% for links in emails.

Think about the potential for your offers to be seen via a FB push notification vs. an email. Viral traffic from social shares. List building. FB push notifications. All in a single tool . . . oh yes, and analytics too.

> Click Here to Download Viral Source

[GET] Viral Source Review – Download